Pictures by an artist who is an old man

My name is Steve Block, I was born in 1972 and I'm an amateur photographer who has dabbled in creating comics and websites but who is currently employed as a department lead for a major supermarket chain, having worked my way up from the shop floor, joining the company in 2003. Prior to that I was a house-husband, and prior to that I was a betting shop manager.

The images below are a mixture of analogue and digital, but mostly analogue.

I've repurposed this twenty year old personal home-page as a portfolio, so excuse me if it goes too fast. My hobbies have included mucking about with photoshop on a Manic Street Preacher's forum and editing Wikipedia.

What do you want from me then? What do I want from myself? What am I here to promote, to decide, to tell? I don't rightly know. I just know there is something wrong, and that nothing seems to work. Other people are doing far better jobs of pointing out what they are and creating solutions, I'm just here as an innocent bystander.


Culture being a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best which has been thought and said in the world. - Matthew Arnold (1822–1888)


Pool Brighton Columns Awning Window Street Gate Bench Bench Bench Club Concert Tesco Sea Sculpture Beach Thames Cones Bike Left Facing Right Cleaner
portrait of the artist as a younger man